Responsibilities of Social Clubs with MA Alcohol Licenses

When any MA alcohol licensee makes ‘significant’ changes to a licensed location or makes changes within their organization, a license amendment application is required. Responsibilities of social clubs with MA Alcohol Licenses are unique. They must submit an annual report to the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) and the Local Licensing Authority (LLA). This report is in addition to their annual filing with the MA Secretary of State’s Corporations Division. The ABCC and the LLA are not automatically notified of this information. If changes have not been approved by the ABCC, the licensee is not in compliance with M.G.L. Chapter 138.

Know When to File Amendment Application

Many clubs vote annually to elect new officers. They also may hire a new manager of record or add a patio. The club is responsible for submitting an alcohol license amendment application to their LLA (Board of Selectmen or Licensing Board). If approved, the application is submitted to the ABCC for their approval. Approved changes become part of the club’s official license record.

Be Aware of Reporting Deadline

Additionally, clubs are required to submit an annual report by April 1 to the LLA and the ABCC. This report must contain “a list of the names and residences of its officers, together with the amount of salary or compensation received by each employee engaged in the handling or selling of alcoholic beverages” per MGL Ch. 138 Section 1.  

AlcComply has expert knowledge in preparing alcohol license documents and unique experience assisting clubs in compliance. Click here to learn how AlcComply can affordably meet your club’s needs.

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