Renew Your MA Alcohol License by NOVEMBER 30!


Renew your MA alcohol license by November 30. It expires December 31. An authorized individual must sign the Alcoholic Beverages Control Commission (ABCC) Retail License Renewal form in November and return it to the Local Licensing Authority (LLA-Board of Selectmen or License Commission). Otherwise, the business cannot sell alcohol until a new liquor license application is approved by the LLA and the ABCC.

Additionally, if the LLA and the ABCC have not approved your acting Manager of Record, you must submit an amendment application. This is a busy time for everyone. To ensure you are in compliance, timely submission is essential.

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Time is almost up!

Has your restaurant, bar or club changed an officer(s), director(s) or an owner(s)? Are you procrastinating with your submittal because you have so many other things to do? Let AlcComply relieve some of the burden. We can prepare your application documents.

Click here for information on pricing and how we can meet your needs.

Also, remember the State restricts sales and delivery of alcohol on holidays. Package stores cannot operate on Christmas Day. See Calendar Year 2022 Legal Holidays and Dates of Observance published by the ABCC.

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